Jerusalem Crash Course
Where East Meets West
Come join us for an intense one-on-one photography workshop in Jerusalem. There is much to photograph in Jerusalem, from the ancient city to the bustling center of town and the picturesque residential neighborhoods. The city features Middle Eastern markets, religious diversity and many architectural influences. Let us take you on an unforgettable photo tour of this special city, where your vision becomes reality.
A Dive Into the Art and the Craft
We start the morning with a relaxed conversation over coffee, to discuss your objectives and perform a technical review. Then we go out to a few of Jerusalem’s unique neighborhoods, where we focus on different aspects of image creation: composition, visual language, exposure settings, subject and workflow. After a photography session, we review the images and discuss the next photo session.
As with all our tours, we are flexible and will tailor the day to fit your wishes. Choose specific locations or focus on particular techniques. Spend more time out in the field or more time reviewing. This workshop often becomes a coaching session looking into further development and focusing directions.
This course can be expanded, with additional days, in or out of the city.
Contact us to discuss how you would like to explore Jerusalem through your lens.
Header Image: Old City Walls Fotoman 617 with Fuji 300mm f8 lens, about 15sec at f16, ND10 filter, Fuji Reala 100.